"Open Access Tunisie" is created to promote, discuss and share the knowledge among the members in Tunisia and from any country with interest in Open Access. It links academics and librarians interested in furthering OA in their institutions.
It aim to raise awareness of open access for Tunisian students, faculty, and librarians. It also aim to provide scholars with the widest possible access to their research
نفلا عن مدونة المبادرات العربية في مجال الوصول الحر ، نفدم لكم فيديو تعريفي عن النفاذ الحر (الوصول الحر كما يفضله البعض) الرؤية والمفهوم تم إنجازه بالتعاون مع مؤسسة قطر للعلوم (QScience.com) :
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